This one is a double
whammy… woohoo…. and a challenge too, for all the judgment freaks who keep
judging themselves based on what that weighing scale has to say, bark, scream and we
buy it as our reality.
How many of us stand on
that scale every morning? Every evening? Or every hour, going nuts right?? That
feels so heavy (pun involved).
How about you dump your
weighing scale, shut it up, put it in a carton and drown it & Yes! I meant
that. What fun could that be?
So like most of us I also used to weigh myself at least once every week, if not more, until this brilliant
concept of throwing away the weighing scale came up.
The question here is what
is that you want to do by stepping onto that weighing scale?
Know how much you weigh? Have you lost or gained? if you lost you feel good, and if god forbid
you gained that extra weight, all hell breaks loose. You go into total judgment
of yourself, are upset, may go for that run or even Shhhhhhhhhhh, do comfort eating on the sly.
Is all of this making you happy? & Does this cycle really end?
Besides whose point of
view is that you must weigh certain kilos? How you should look? Yummy mummy, is
that your concept? or is it what you want based on other peoples
expectations of you? .......... Got Ya!
At this many people ask me, " so what would you like me to do stop exercising? or stop my diet?".
No Silly, Im not asking you to be stupid, all I am asking is start befriending your body once again. Start having fun with it rather than judging it 24*7 . Start by asking your body
what would it like to look like? to eat or wear? Don't just judge yourself all the time based on what your weighing scale has to say. I will let you in on a little secret ....... YOUR WEIGHING SCALE LIES.
What if you could just learnt
to have more fun with your body and be in communion with it rather than judging
it? Don't judge yourself or your body by standing on that scale, just befriend and ask your body to create what you desire, and i don't mean weight, just a vision of what you would like your body to look like, based on your reality, not other peoples projections of what it should be.
Just a thought, if it makes you feel lighter try it. More on befriending your
body tom.
Keep Smiling You are BE
~ Storyteller- Aarti
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