Sunday, January 31, 2016



This is topic that is rather fresh in all our minds, some feeling helpless, some angered and some looking for answers.

So what is the answer?

How fixated do we get on the problem? Is it time instead to look at solutions?

Yes, the problem is out there. It is real. We can see it. Feel it and some of us can even breathe it. And how much more of it, will we create by lingering on it?

I’m not asking you to blindfold yourself. My suggestion is once you know what’s happening start a new creation.

"A new creation?"

Yes! Like the old saying, a wound will not heal if you keep touching it. Any problem whether it is personal, community or world, it will not get sorted if you just keep talking about it, without working on a solution.

 Some may say, “what’s done is done, we can’t reverse the air at this point, change the system or the people.”

You are absolutely right! And I’m not asking you to do that. What I’m suggesting is that start functioning differently where you are at this moment.

How do you look at every problem, that you have?
Do you make a mountain out of a molehill?
Do you cling onto your problem like your personal favourite story?
Do you love to keep talking about it, so that you keep getting attention, or have something to talk about?


Change will begin with you, when you give up all your personal handicap systems.

When you decide, “this is going to change for me, NOW.”
When you stop being a victim of your problems and start creating the reality that you want, wherever you are. That’s where change begins. And then like a ripple effect it follows, from you to another and a third and a thousand more.

That’s how amazing your energy can be. If you wish.

So stop making your problem bigger by giving lots of energy to it. Rather start to give the same energy to creating solutions.

Believe in the MAGIC you are

~ Storyteller- Aarti Asrani

So a question for you today...

What do you think about all the Anti campaigns that we have? Anti-corruption, Anti Nuclear movement or protests.
Leave your feedback and the answer in the next post may help you make a shift.
Would love to hear from you.
Thank You

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Let's Gossip - Part 2

Let’s Gossip – Part 2

Thank you for your interest!

Last we spoke about, how it is important to have a open, expansive dialogue with the person you are cursing under your breath.

Would love to know if any of you actually did that.

The next part is - Don’t loose focus.

Apart from the fact, that when we don't have a dialogue it could result into gossip, sometimes when we are having the talk we loose focus, basically the purpose or the desired result. We get lost and stuck up in the ego battle.

I myself had a similar experience. I wanted to clear the air with a relative, however I was constantly getting stuck, in my story about how she did me wrong. In my mind I had already planned what I must say, how it should be said, and how I have to get justice.

Really? Justice?

In any relationship, in any conversation, when you are trying to be right and trying to prove the opponent wrong, you will never get the desired result. You have to let go of your barriers, put aside the ego and arrogance and speak from the space of creation.

Focus on the result, the outcome you want, not on the war for justice.

And when you are fighting someone how much will you receive? And how much are you fighting yourself at that moment?

No body is the winner in the end.

Next time ask yourself
Am I trying to win a battle here?
How much am I fighting the world? or this person?

Stop fighting! and focus, because if you love fighting, the universe will give you more to fight for, and if you focus on the result you will create that.

Have a super time creating!


~Storyteller- Aarti Asrani

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Let's Gossip!


This is an interesting thought that I had which is worth looking upon.

So out of the many, many reasons why people may gossip, one of them is the lack of courage to have a dialogue.

So basically, I was in this situation where I was stuck in a problem. The problem was that I couldn't put my point across to certain people who were in authority.

I wanted to have a talk; a dialogue with them to clear the air, but something just did not allow me to do that. I kept on playing and replaying scenarios in my head of having that talk, but in vain.

When thoughts keep on building up there has to be and explosion, how long can you keep something built up inside? There has to be a place where we need to let it out and set ourselves free, and it finds its way in the form of gossip.

So in my defence I can also say , “ But I was looking for advice.” Really? From how many people? And how much more confusion did that create for me?

When one advice does not suit you, we generally look for a second and a third, until we find someone who tells us what we want to hear. And that’s how all the gossip gets created. From one person to another and a third, until everybody knows parts and pieces of your story and it turns into a game of Chinese whispers.

 Fortunately for me I had this revelation in the nick of time.

There were two things require
1) To have the courage to have a dialogue, speak my mind
2)  To focus on outcome and not the complain factor

Sometimes it is nothing more than just the lack of courage. Questions like, “what will the person think of me? What will be the outcome? What if there is a misunderstanding? What if I offend him or her?”  And there is always, “ok I will do it tomorrow”, are all just distractions.

The way to free oneself of the torture, confusion, the gossip and no solution is, not to let all these questions bother you, but to truly see for yourself what makes you feel lighter. 

Would it be lighter for you if you had that talk? Or would it be Heavy?
And if it is light, you just have to pick yourself up with courage and have the talk.
Don’t keep pushing it to tomorrow.

Would it create more ease in our relationship if I had this talk? If the answer is yes 
What would it take for me to have this talk with absolute ease?
What would it take for this talk to create more ease and space for both of us/all of us?

Feel the energy of this. Does it create lightness for you? Then you must have the talk.

More on Don't loose Focus tomorrow.


Thursday, January 21, 2016

I'm too Sexy

I'm Too SEXY! just saying that feels good. Doesn't it? How many times do you say that? and How many times do you judge you?

Yesterday we spoke about becoming friends with our body once again ,"How and why do we do that?", some may ask.

Well! our body is the only friend that is with us from the day we are born to the day we die. However the irony of the situation is, that, in stead of keeping that friend happy and saying good things to the friend who will be with us through thick and thin we are in continuous judgment of it.

We call it names like fat, too skinny, too week or ugly.

Now for a moment put yourself in the same position, where there is this friend of yours who is constantly putting you down. The moment you wake up, the first thing she does is judges you. Just like the moment we wake up and check out ourselves in the mirror and go, “ oh gosh look at the fat around my belly, no way, I’m too fat to wear this? I’m too lazy - nothing looks good on me - I have to be on a diet - again I did not go for that walk I’m pathetic, and more. This is just the tip of the iceberg, how many times in a day do you communicate to your body in this manner? Is that not a judgment of you? Are you not constantly complaining and judging your body? Who would really like to listen to a friend like this?

Exactly! No one. That is the reason my friend, that you get into the vicious circle of weight gain and loss, don’t enjoy it and don’t even get anywhere.

 The way out of it is, to begin the process of enjoying your body and befriending it once again. Talk to your body like your best friend. What if you could just wake up tomorrow morning and go, "I love me just the way I am" How do you feel when you say that? Some may resist and think, "this is bullshit", and some may be able to receive the new energy.

You may resist it because it is new to you, this is a new space and you have not been taught to look at your fabulous body in any other light other than judgement.

I’m not saying don’t do the healthy eating, or don’t exercise, that would just be stupid. What I’m trying to get at here is start being in communion with your body, asking what it would like to eat, wear, do, in stead of judging it all the time. Start having fun with your body.

And once you start communicating with it, the whole process of weight loss becomes easier because now you don’t have to force yourself to do all the crash diets that others are doing, you are no longer competing with anyone, you don’t have to follow the crowd but you can decide for yourself, by communicating with your body
A few questions to begin with: 
Body what would you like to look like?
Body what would you like to wear today?
Body what would you like t eat?
Do you want to eat, go for a walk or do you want water?
What movement would you like today?

What the body likes, WORKS.

I would love to let you in on a secret.  No two people are the same, no two bodies are the same and hence what works for one need not work for another. Be true to yourself about what works for you, and enjoy the lasting results thereafter.

~Storyteller- Aarti Asrani

Tuesday, January 19, 2016


This one is a double whammy… woohoo…. and a challenge too, for all the judgment freaks who keep judging themselves based on what that weighing scale has to say, bark, scream and we buy it as our reality.
How many of us stand on that scale every morning? Every evening? Or every hour, going nuts right?? That feels so heavy (pun involved).
How about you dump your weighing scale, shut it up, put it in a carton and drown it & Yes! I meant that. What fun could that be?
So like most of us I also used to weigh myself at least once every week, if not more, until this brilliant concept of throwing away the weighing scale came up.
The question here is what is that you want to do by stepping onto that weighing scale?
Know how much you weigh? Have you lost or gained?  if you lost you feel good, and if god forbid you gained that extra weight, all hell breaks loose. You go into total judgment of yourself, are upset, may go for that run or even  Shhhhhhhhhhh, do comfort eating on the sly.
Is all of this making you happy?  & Does this cycle really end?
Besides whose point of view is that you must weigh certain kilos? How you should look? Yummy mummy, is that your concept? or is it what you want based on other peoples expectations of you? .......... Got Ya!
At this many people ask me, " so what would you like me to do stop exercising? or stop my diet?".
No Silly, Im not asking you to be stupid, all I am asking is start befriending your body once again. Start having fun with it rather than judging it 24*7 . Start by asking your body what would it like to look like? to eat or wear? Don't just judge yourself all the time based on what your weighing scale has to say. I will let you in on a little secret ....... YOUR WEIGHING SCALE LIES.
What if you could just learnt to have more fun with your body and be in communion with it rather than judging it? Don't judge yourself or your body by standing on that scale, just befriend and ask your body to create what you desire, and i don't mean weight, just a vision of what you would like your body to look like, based on your reality, not other peoples projections of what it should be.
Just a thought, if it makes you feel lighter try it. More on befriending your body tom.
Keep Smiling You are BE YOU TIFUL

~ Storyteller- Aarti Asrani