Tuesday, May 10, 2016


Dealing with the War within (Part 2)

There other devil in this whole scenario is a mixture of competition & fear. When we are competing with others we don’t trust our own potential. The common fear is of being different, doing something else, and what if we fail after doing something different. 

I was there, everyone around me was talking about a certain class and I thought that I too must do it. But I was feeling little heavy about the same. I was in a conflictual universe.  I was aware of something but blocking my awareness, which was creating a lot of dis ease in me.

I started off by asking myself some questions;
Do I really want to do this?
Answer: May be at some point but with ease.

Then What is this? What is that I'm not aware of here?
What awareness am I refusing?

Sometimes we avoid the awareness because it does not fit in with our definition of being good. And since childhood we all have been asked to be good, and being good becomes more important than doing what is true to us.

There were 2 things that came out of it.

1) I realized that one of the reasons I wanted to do the class was I did not want to be left behind. The only reason I was choosing it was because of competition because in our childhood we are always told, "look at X,Y, Z what they have achieved”, and since then we cut off our own reality, what we want, to looking at others and mimicking them. That moment I knew one of the reasons I was choosing the class was because I did not want to come last, I wanted to be like the others and not be left behind. I was worried that everybody else would go ahead achieve more, but then I was doing competition there. I have to be true to me, not what everyone else is doing.

 2) But the feeling of the class still lingered on. And the next realization hit me. The class at this time was half priced. So doing it now meant that it would be way cheaper, and yes most of us will think that if you are doing it anyway at some point might as well do it now when its half the price. Right? Wrong. 
When we are doing it from that point of view we believe in lack, and I was functioning from lack, especially when you want to do other things but you choose this only because of money.

Ask : If money was not the problem what would I choose?

And yes, I got the awareness that I would choose more ease with this class, I would rather do the classes I have been wanting to do and not get caught up in competing with others or the enticement of half price. 

Society, people around us and our own judgments, at times make it so difficult us to choose for our self, what would contribute to our life. But in order to be happy and fulfilled we have to start choosing what is true for us. 

It is also about choosing for the day for the moment. No choice is wrong.
Who said I have to have only one choice. One day I can choose something and another day I can choose something else there is no right no wrong

Have fun with creating your life that is true for you

~ Be You Be True Be Awesome

~ Storyteller - Aarti Asrani

Tuesday, May 3, 2016



This one is especially for the ones confused with life? What jobs to take? Decisions to make? Paths to choose? This or that? Follow the crowd or make my own path?

To narrate my own short fable. I have always been the kind of person who has loved to explore a lot of things in life. Entrepreneurship is in me, and I want to know everything, learn everything be good at everything, so much so that I would often get confused about where to start.

Alongside that, I also got caught up in time.  When will this happen? When will I finish this that?

I made ideas, plans, did research and just doing all that itself, I got so deep into it, that by the end, I was bored, and ready to start something new.

Does it sound familiar? Then keep reading

I don’t know how many of you are out there, who just love to do so many many things and are flowing with ideas all the time. I am just like you.

I was always told, "you can’t stick to one thing, you keep jumping onto another", in my defence,  I just love exploring.  I have to have many things to do, or else I’m bored.

However. The idea of this article is not just to tell you about me, but to tell you how I was able to challenge the confusions and contradictions and what is it that truly helped me channelize all this productively.

The 1st question that comes to my mind when the entire world is telling you that you are wrong is to ask yourself

What is right about me that I’m not getting?

It is a question that you must ask everyday, to get out of wrongness, the judgment and all the places you put yourself down.

There will be many people out there who will not support you with what you are doing, some of them will do it out of concern, some jealousy and some just to prove their point of view, however it is important to listen to your inner voice and ask,  "What is right about me that I’m not getting?" the universe answers.

The second step was that I looked at all my options. When you have 100 s of things on your platter that you would like to explore you should ask yourself.

How many of these are mine? and how many borrowed?

You see , we all are very potent beings and we keep on picking up from others what even they like to do. So for example, I have a group of friends doing a certain class or taking up a certain job I too probably will be inclined to do that, but it is important to stop there and ask.

Is this something I want to do? or somebody else?

Now that, that is taken care of and say 50 of them are still yours, the confusion is where to start? when will all of this happen?

Everything has its own place, asking what needs my attention today? what would create value today/now? what would be a contribution to me today? are some of the questions you can ask. This will help you prioritise and get going.

When we don't prioritise, it often happens that, even though we are so creative and have tons of things to do at the beginning of the day, we get nowhere and nothing is done at the end. This is simply because we want to do it all and are just grappling with time and trying to do everything. Hence asking a question like, What needs my attention today/now? will give you an insight about where to begin and the energy will continue to flow from there.

Try it! it might just work.

Leaving you with these few questions. Until next week.

~ Be You Be True Be Awesome
~ Storyteller - Aarti Asrani