Monday, February 29, 2016

Are you your biggest obstacle?

Are you your biggest obstacle?

What is that you’ve always wanted to do that u have never done?
Have you ever been in a place where you keep putting things onto tomorrow?
Do you always have an excuse for things not working for you?
Do you have lots of, once ………………….. happens I will start ……………?
Are you looking for that someone to come and rescue you?
Are you waiting for someone else to give you a break?
Do you love to dream but your dreams feel so distant?

Are you the one who is blocking your life and are you the one who is your biggest obstacle?

Its not one but many people I have come across who tend to be their biggest obstacle.  Recently I met a lady, she is excellent at her work, very creative and can be an absolute encouragement but her problem is that she is her biggest obstacle.

She has always been waiting for the break, for someone to come along give her the platform, or someone successful to introduce her to other successful people so that she can become successful. The strange torture the mind puts us through. 

So once I had a session with her and there are two things that came up.
One was that she knew a lot of people who she thinks can help her and when they don’t help her she gets disappointed with them that they did not help her.
The second thing, which was far deeper, was that during the conversation she had a brilliant shift in her reality. She realized that she was trying to piggyback on others so that she did not have to take the blame in the end if she failed. She could always say that they did not help me and hence I failed.

WOW!! Some breakthrough.

How many of us are pushing the buck, making up stories for our failures?
What if from now we could actually start with gratitude for who we are, what we can create and wherever we are right now. Gratitude for self is the first step to creating the life that we desire.

Now that she has had this realization she is finally free to play and free to create all she desires.. She’s free because she is not waiting for anyone or anything anymore. She is not waiting for someone else to create her life for her.

What if you could choose the same?

Start asking what is it that I would like my life to look like? What would it take for me to have that? What do I need to be or do to create that?

Have gratitude for who you are, the magic you are.


Storyteller ~ Aarti Asrani

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Money does not grow on trees. Really??

Money does not grow on trees. Really??

So how many times in your life time have you heard this statement? and How many times do you use it?

Today I would like to narrate to you a short story of one of my clients lets call her Moneyka.  Moneyka is  a very sincere, hard working lady aged 35yrs. She is well educated, has worked abroad and comes from an upper middle class family. She has grown up with a good set of values one of which is, you have to work hard to earn money or money doesn't grow on trees.

So lets just look at this one statement for a minute.

“You have to work hard to earn money”. 

There are other similar statements like, “hard work pays”.
& You definitely must have heard this one!
“Money doesn’t grow on trees”.

How much of this have you made your reality?

Moneyka has totally made that hers. Her point of view is that she has to work hard in order to earn money and hence no matter what her position is, her reality is, her designation is, at a certain place, every time she changes her company or her job she has to start from scratch, she has to work hard, prove her worth and  go through the drill.

OH MY GOD! That feels so so heavy!

Are any of you making the same mistake?
Do you feel like you have to struggle all the time?
That you have to work hard for everything and it does not come easy?

It’s now time to give up all those point of views. 

To begin with, were you born with those thoughts or were they drilled in? Parents, teachers, coaches, did they always tell you that things don’t come easy; you have to work hard for it?
All right lets say they said all that to keep you going or to encourage you. The question is, is that statement still serving you? Or is it an obstruction to your growth?

Are you now willing to return all the point of views you have bought from others? If your answer is yes, and I’m sure most of you who want a change will definitely say yes, say the following statement a couple of times

Return to the Sender with consciousness attached.

Do it till you feel your energy lighten… yes some more… more….. Does it make you feel lighter?

Awesome! Have a great day J

Be The Magic You Are!
~ Storyteller- Aarti Asrani

Monday, February 8, 2016

This is not who I fell in love with! Is he really my Valentine?

This is not who I fell in love with! Is he really my Valentine?

Do you fit into the category that even though you have someone in your life, you still feel alone? Or do you feel that there is something missing in your relationship? The element of surprise, may be? The long walks? Dancing? Or may be the whole scenario has changed after your marriage?

Is it really true that the other person is to blame? Or were you the one who divorced yourself first?

“Divorced myself?”

How much of who or what you are, is defined by your relationships?

All the places you altered yourself, gave up on things you love in order to be in a relationship, or keep the relationship. Plans you let go, or still bigger, life you let go of, just so that you can be in a relationship. How many of us do that?

Do you use the term, “You decide” way too often. Have you let go of your ability to choose?

Did you have a picture of a life you wanted to have, things you wanted to do, places you wanted to go, or adventures you wanted to experience?

Have you shut it all down? Packed them up, and put it away because you are pleasing someone else, because you love the other, or you just want to have that relationship and nothing else matters?

If you say, “I do this because I love him or her” and, “that is my choice”, you should have no complaint at all.

Truth, do you have complaints?

If you have any dissatisfaction in your relationship,

"Am I upset with him or because I’m not doing the things I like? Is it because somewhere I have given up on me?"

Most of the time what you are missing, is YOU!
You have given up soo much of you, that you feel empty. And that’s where all the complaints start.

A lot of times it also happens that we expect the significant other to give up things they like for us, we make them change for us and then complain, " that was not the person I fell in love with." Hello! wake up, you made him/her change. 

Start with building your relationship with you again and encourage the other to build their ownDo the things that you would like to do, like going dancing or enrolling for a workshop that will add value to you. It is all right, if your significant other doesn’t like to do it. You’ll are not clones. Add to your life what you like, and let him add to his what he likes. Let the relationship be expansive and not a contractive one. 

You can even ask:
What can I add to my relationship today that would be fun for us?
What would it take for our relationship to be expansive?

Start building your relationship with your significant other once again by finding yourself.

Start having fun being you and you will see how the entire relationship changes.