It’s been a long haul. Been caught up, as well as had too many
things to discuss with you so was left wondering where to start.
That is what exactly prompted me do write this post today.
Recently I did my 2nd body class with the amazing Kass
Thomas, one of the things that really started shifting for me post that, is this constant need to keep doing, rather than being.
What does that really mean now?
Well for me, I have been a person who loves, absolutely
loves to keep doing things. I cannot stay still. Its not just that but I also
love doing different things. I could be working on my workshops, planning a
holiday, updating my social media skills, reading a book, and planning a party
or whatever else. I have to have many things to do.
Wow! Some may think, and yet others may feel what’s wrong
with that?
Nothing really. It's great that I love to do different things. The only problem is, in the DOING at many
times, “I” get lost and stop, “BEING”.
So my question to you is, in the DOING do you get lost
and stop BEING??
I have been using this magic daily. Just a
simple question, am I doing? Or am I being? and this has really brought more ease into my life.
When I’m doing I just want to get things done. Have classes,
write articles, design graphics posters, meet people and more. Just do do do, and then do some more.
The crazy about doing things was an underlying fear, that I don't want my life to be a waste, I want to do something. But what I also realised that what is the point of all the doing, if I'm actually not being there.
When I’m being, I do get things done, do everything I want, and there is a sense of joy. I am
present, I’m not worked up, I’m having fun and I get done, what matters the
most. I don’t judge or punish myself for not using up my time constructively and I don’t
judge me. I enjoy everything. I am not racing against time, people or circumstances. I allow myself to do the things I want without any projections and expectations.
One of examples is, the shift I have had with my son. Earlier
when I was just doing it would be a daily battle of balancing my work, him, his schedule and other responsibilities. There would be a constant restlessness of wanting to
finish one thing and move on to the next. Waiting for him to finish his dinner and sleep so that I could get back to work.
This has changed. Now I am present. I am present when he comes back from
school. I am present while making him study and I am present doing my own work.
This presence is what has changed and I feel so good. Now I don't miss out on the moments I spend with him, I relish his innocence, his questions and his playfulness because I am not racing against time trying to get the next thing done.
Time is no more how many things that I get done, but the joy I experience in doing those things. I have let go of my fear of wasting time.
It’s a whole new world. In the whole process of being, I'm also rediscovering myself, things I would like to do, people I would like to be with, classes I would like to hold. It has also helped me to get out of other peoples realities and expectations of me. I'm loving this new journey of being present.
If you are anything like me, someone who loves to keep busy.
Just stop and ask yourself in the mad rush of things
Am I doing? Or am I being? it will open a whole new world for you.
Be you. Be true. Be awesome.
~Storyteller- Aarti Asrani